Shores of Serendipity Yoga Instructor Nancy Moelaert offers Kripalu Yoga Classes in Courtenay, Comox, Black Creek , Campbell River, BC
Choose the yoga class that's right for you.
Basics - Great for beginners!
This yoga class is also suitable for more experienced people who want to slow down, tune in and get back to the basics.
All Levels
This yoga class is open to all levels.
Core YogaThis class blends core strengthening exercises with traditional yoga postures and breathing techniques. We will learn how to ground to the earth, feeling and using our inner thighs, pelvic floor, sacral alignment, rib cage and shoulder blades to build core stabilization that enhances strength in our bodies and supports a healthy spine. Connecting to your core is much more than physical exercise. Our core is what supports us spiritually in our lives as well as physically in our yoga practice. If our core is weak, the ups and downs of life are much harder to take. A strong core makes us more resilient as we tap into our personal power! If we're weak in the core, our digestive fire is weak. Core work and Pranayama (breathing exercises) lifts the sluggishness of the belly, quickens the blood and gets oxygen moving throughout the body increasing metabolism, clearing the mind and calming the nerves. Modifications are given to those new to yoga or those working with muscle tension or injuries. Start your day feeling strong, centered, energized, and focused!
Schedule |
LocationsNancy's yoga classes are held in several locations in the beautiful Comox Valley on Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada. Find a yoga class near you:
| Kripalu Yoga ...unites Hatha Yoga (the yoga of physical postures) and Raja Yoga (the yoga of meditation). Two significant components of Kripalu Yoga are compassion and witness consciousness; there are other forms of yoga that don't emphasize these factors to the same degree that Kripalu Yoga does.
There are many benefits, including:

I've been taking classes from Nancy Moeleart since 2008. Nancy is by far the best yoga instructor I've ever had.
Since my first class with her, I've felt nothing but love and guidance, in her gentle yet challenging style of teaching. She has a charismatic way that makes you feel comfortable and never judged. Her guided meditations, in class, have given me clarity in and out of practice.
I'm so happy to have found her teaching yoga in our rural community. A true treasure.
Jess E.
( Congratulations Jess, on the birth of your baby)
In Nancy's classes I don't just practice yoga poses. I really find that mind - body connection and focus from within. Her dedication is inspiring.
Ingrid H.