Shores of Serendipity Yoga Instructor Nancy Moelaert offers Kripalu Yoga Classes in Courtenay, Comox, Black Creek , Campbell River, BC
Nancy first discovered yoga in 1995. She led a very active lifestyle in competitive sports. After years of coping with injuries and chronic pain she was looking for a physical activity that healed and nurtured.
The pain diminished eventually, while her strength and flexibility increased. In 2007 she became a Certified Kripalu Yoga Instructor and Holistic Health Councillor and was awakened to what yoga is really all about; increased self-awareness of our physical, energetic, emotional and spiritual body. This transformation was so profound that it became the base for the style of Yoga Nancy teaches today.
Nancy’s style of Kripalu Yoga invites a deep inner exploration. Each class is a different experience and adjusted to the vibrations of the participants. Nancy’s joy of teaching resonates through the room and her attention to detail is shared with compassion.
Nancy’s continuous invitation to breathe and feel more deeply opens your awareness and encourages you to find your own bliss and inner peace.
Nancy’s Dharma Statement:
I provide an environment of compassion and acceptance which creates an opening to inner peace; letting individual inner peace flow outward to unite in world peace.
Kripalu Yoga

Kripalu yoga explores the relationship between body and mind. It unites Hatha Yoga (physical postures or asanas) and Raja Yoga (meditation) harmoniously and simultaneously. Its practice brings a deeper awareness into being.
Where and When
Nancy teaches yoga classes at several locations including the beautiful Comox Valley on Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada.
Find the right yoga class for you and the best time.
Just when I thought my body, flexibility and wellness were lost causes, I attended Nancy's Kripalu Yoga class at my local community centre. Her calm, lovely voice guided me through a series of poses and all my troubles disappeared . By the end of the session, I'd just about cried several times, I remembered why I love yoga so much and I had way less physical pain than when I'd started the session. Nancy followed up with some homework in an email called, "Yoga Off the Mat", and I was sold for life! Each week I pray that I can attend her class and look forward to it with Ujjayi breath!! My heart, mind, body, and soul haven't been this well-integrated for a long time!
Maureen S.
Nancy's yoga classes are held in several locations in the beautiful Comox Valley on Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada.