Shores of Serendipity Yoga Instructor Nancy Moelaert offers Kripalu Yoga Classes in Courtenay, Comox, Black Creek , Campbell River, BC
Please fill out the form below to contact Nancy Moelaert for more information or to register for yoga classes.
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Nancy's yoga classes are held in several locations in the beautiful Comox Valley on Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada.
| Kripalu Yoga ...... is an exploration into the relationship between body and mind, invoking calm and cultivating concentration. It harmoniously and simultaneously unites Hatha Yoga (the yoga of physical postures or asanas) and Raja Yoga (the yoga of meditation).
There are many benefits, including:

Nancy is a gentle instructor. She is considerate, thoughtful and kind - never makes me feel as overweight and lacking in muscle tone as I know I am. Instead, through her steady and innovative practice. She creates a feeling of trust and self-knowledge that inevitably results in us doing more than we thought we could and feeling much better about ourselves. I have only been coming to Nancy's practice for about 5 months and already am more limber, supple and positive than I have been in years.
I am 71 and think that as long as I continue to attend Yoga with Nancy, I will just continue to get better and better.
Judy W.