Shores of Serendipity Yoga Instructor Nancy Moelaert offers Kripalu Yoga Classes in Courtenay, Black Creek & Ocean Resort
Body Rolling Workshops
Sunday Jan. 28th and/or March 3rd, 2024
9:30 am until noon at the Black Creek Hall
Contact the hall for information and to register 250-337-5190
Thursday, February 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29th
1:15 to 2:45 pm at d'Esterre Senior's center in Comox
Must be a d'Esterre member to register.
Body Rolling is a therapy practice that combines healing, wellness, and injury prevention in a single, simple workout. Body Rolling heals body problems at the same time that it helps you get in shape.
Body Rolling is an extremely effective therapeutic practice that you can use for your own self-care. Body rolling is a technique using a 4” to 10” ball to apply pressure and exerts traction on a muscle at the point where a muscle begins and lengthening in the direction of its natural movement, toward its insertion. Once elongated, the muscle takes its full length, decompressing bones, joints, and nerves and restoring full function.
Body Rolling consists of a series of routines that use these balls to stretch muscles, freeing restrictions in all parts of the body, increasing blood flow, and promoting healing. Body Rolling empowers people to tone, strengthen, and realign their own bodies and to prevent and fix all sorts of body problems.
Body Rolling offers all these benefits:
• Tones and elongates muscles
• Improves alignment
• Increases circulation
• Develops and maintains core strength
• Stimulates nerve roots
• Stimulates organs
• Increases metabolism
• Relaxes the nervous system
• Expands the lungs and deepens breathing
• Increases body awareness

From past Workshops or Retreats:
What an incredible, beautiful chakra exploration/ journey this has been. I find the organic loosening of the body tensions and rediscovering meridians liberating. I feel more, I breathe better, I am able to integrate and move forward beyond any 'logical analysis' or 'common sense-disciplined-reasoning' that I could do.
I can only think of positive comments for the retreat. The food, the music, the people, the exercises, the view, the activities, everything was quite wonderful and renewing. I'd go again in a heart beat. Your presence made the retreat a time to treasure. You definitely have a gift in yoga and communication. We love you.
Gillian V.
Many thanks for showing me kripalu. You have made a believer out of me. From the first mountain pose when you said "can you feel the prana?" I did! It was great! You have shown me that yoga IS for everyone. You gave me adaptations and modifications that worked and never made me feel excluded, I have accomplished things I was not sure that first night that I could. Your style and method of teaching have touched me physically, emotionally and spiritually both on and off the mat. I feel blessed to have found your class and I look forward to continuing my yoga journey.
May the new year be filled with Light, Love and Laughter.
Gale M.